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Our president is Sleeping While in Office

 Indian president Smt Draupdi Murmu seems to be sleeping in his office. She doesn't know what is her duties in the office office of president.B.J. P. Lead government make her fool 

She is going to do blunder mistake to allow the members of B.J.P government to eat the whole budget for the nation and put it into their ill minded pockets. She might have forgotten that Union budget has been passed already in the month of February 2024 for the financial year 2024-25.

She is announcing the another budget for said period which is irrelevant to the procedure of budgeting besides that she allows the members of houses to decoits to misuse the earlier budget money. Neither the month of July is Jan is a short fall of budget is to be met out in the form of additional budget for Anudan demands.

I hope that you could get me to understand not to put the poor country's population under heavy texations which can be deferred one year later.I think you may look into the matter properly. 

My heartiest salute the honorable VVIP.


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