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Why Thunder And Lightening Occur

 Everyone has seen the lightening and thunder . But no body know the exact cause of it. Science reveals that it occurs due to negative and positive current in the clouds. when the _ and + current clouds comes together and strike then thunder and lightening is produced

Is proved and seems also when time and speed of light and sound is tested and observed. Sound is listened later but the light spark is seen much before the sound. Because the speed of light is faster than the sound. Everybody realized it.

But there another important cause there. You may not believe also but it is true. you might have seen or observed that this lightening is falling on someone or animals and trees also. You may not know the reason of it . I will tell the real fact of it.

You might have observed that most of the black clouds cause lightening. But from where this black color came in the clouds. you may not know or knows. this comes from the sand blown in the air which mix with water of clouds gets the black color.

It is the history of mythological causing the lightening and thunder. In the war event s blood shed has been dropped on the earth and annoyed the mother Earth. The mother earth cause this lightening and thunder to eradicate the blood shed history and cleaning the planet.

The earth kills the culprits also who has done this nonsense to bleed the the earth. Therefore it falls on the individuals and animals who spread the blood on it. Either in battle field or in eating the animals for their hunger. They might be king or their pets. Or the wild animals.

Now , you might understood why the lightening and thunder occurs. It will be good for you that you should help to clean the planet. You may be one of the culprit of the past. Better wake up as early as possible.


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