A painful condition comes out of skin in any part of body . It is mostly due to malignant cells in the blood. It is a very painful and horrible condition. Mostly it erupt in the loin and groin or in armpit . It restrict the movement and your sleep and rest is put in the hell. The patient is crying with pain. Condition become more horrible when it erupt on buttock. the individual is not even able to sit.
In allopathy they advice meg sulph dressing to promote pus formation for incision to drain out all the dead part then dressing for healing the wound. It take one to week to be cured. But , there is a remedy in Ayurveda from the vat tree or called Burgad or bar. It is very good remedy for this condition and relieve the pain.
In the process nothing more is done to prepare the medicine. Only you have to search the tree Burgad or Kadam. You Take small cotton pad to soak the milk of that tree in the cotton by cutting a small branch or bend the branch it will come out from shoot. It can be from plucking the leaf of it.
Put the Soaked cotton on the boil it will stick to the skin .It will subside the boil in one or two pads dressing. You need not go for incision and pain is relieved with in minute just putting the pad on it. You can try this local remedy in case of the condition meets. You can share this remedy for family and friends . It has no side effect milk of Bargad.
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