My deep heartiest congratulations to all the Air Force personnel , Retired Air Warriors , Air Force civilian and their families on the eve of 91th birthday of Indian Air Force.
Be brave to bring the glory of the Air Force on the top of the Sky with full zeel and jest with your hard and honest workmanship and bring back the golden era of Air Force.
Your all the efforts will be compensated in passage of time. Harness and scarecity is the part of worriors. It must not be demanded but it will be fulfilled in due course of time.
Worriers's achievement is the victory that provides all the things to them. Let's put all our input for the nation to bring on top of the map of world.
At the concussion for retired worriors on the occasion of ๐ with Air Force Day,I invite the air worriors to come forward for election to win the forthcoming Parliamentary poll to be
the best leader to rule over the nation.
This is the Air Force which gives the bread and butter even with the wrong Date of birth to correct that as of mine the 8th June,1966 which is 19th,May 1965.
Let's correct the Date of Birth of Bharatiya Vayu Sena as per The Date Azad Bharat as 15 August,1947.
Independence letter was 14 August that means that a pire to be burnt of a wife and husband but the time has brought the some other which is called Sawtantartha.And a ๐ฅง of Land was made separated and named after Raja Bharath.
On and of the morale and justice , Let's bring and brought up as Ram Rajay.
I my self Sgt Suraj Bhan Moan retired declare that I have changed the spelling of my name as Sooraj Bhan Lohchab Moan my previous birth of SDN for known to public use along with my fake date of birth 08 June 1966 ,has been corrected as 19may 1965 which was wrongly endorsed along with my wrong name as Surjit s/o Baldev in birth and death register of Fathebad district as 19may 1966. This nonsense has been made by Ram Singh Patwari s/o Harlal and Sankar Dhanak Chokidar . I asked to show the birth records register kept with Chokidar , Balad Dhanak s/o Sankar Dhanak refused to show me the register to check my Date of Birth.Then he joined the gange of Sukargar and Munigar the beggers to rape the women of subvillages of Kirmara along with Bhala Kanna .At present this gange has taken vast shape and opened the offices at different places in India. I my self has kept my date of birth 19 may 1965 uncertified so that I can catch the culprits and can be awarded punishment from Barhma's office ...
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