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Why Modi N Government will lost the Election.

 The Modi government has done so wicked job.You can not imagine. Earlier I was thinking that the public and opposition parties might be jealous of his ruling and popularity. But here are some other reality has been revealed.

1. You will not find any other company of communication other than reliance.I have seen with my own eyes , other than 3,4 states of north India. Everywhere the reliance network is available. All other companies have been made to shut down the business and  throw the youth out of employment.

2. Sanitation condition of the country has been made worse than the hell 

3. It the not matter of taking huge donation from the business Icons but he not leaving the drinking water RO outlet .Most of the places in India, these have been shut down . And rate of safe drinking water which was initiated by the congress government at Rs 1to3 per bottle to refill the bottle at railway stations, have been closed to earn commission per bottle Rs 10 .

     Everywhere rate of a bottle is charged Rs 20 per bottle. It means ten rupees will goes to BJP party fund . Otherwise such essential commodity which is life savings must be free of cost from the RO huts 

4. Eaten crores of crores rupees to make each railway station to look ugly and disease prone to fix the corona virus stones to fix in each and every where.

 5. Now opened the cancer hospital to loot the public. In the starting phase the charges are Rs 750/- latter on it will work like the electricity bill scandal. If BJP come this time in power, you will not find your house and agriculture field your name.All will be auctioned to grab your land on the name of debt.

Better wake up and away from the untrained rulers like BJP have. This is the condition made of the world's most cleaned city known as Bangalore.

Can you take the water from the tape of in the picture.All the sewerage mud has been placed. Can 

Food and drinking water of Bangalore has become food and water born diseases. When where you eat or drink , you will have abdomen problems. That why you will find big big hospital at each 100meters. These hospitals are run by politicians. Most of them do not ABCD of diseases and what for hospitals are required.

They obey and listen of a sweaper because they need their vote to win the election. Their purpose is solved to grab the vote and sit in the driving seat. It will be better for the Dr. not to work in their hospitals if they are not professionals of the field.


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