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Acknowledgement To The Fact For Personal Data.

 It certified that underneath written BioData is true to my best knowledge and with matching of my personal data sheets where it may require in world wide. 

  As per the my previous statement published in world press . Here by again I myself Sgt Suraj Bhan Moan Retd from Indian Air Force declare another statement to cross check my service records in which some blunder mistake has been done by some one again to stop my pension and the fraud person who has not even seen the IAF is getting pension of an airman in place of mine.

    The authorities are requested to stop their pension and push them behind the bars. As all the history of my personal data is mentioned below to corelate and correct my pension and pension documents by appropriate authorities. l my self is known by Name Suraj Bhan in my village and in the service also. My sir name is my service records is Moan. But in village I myself is known of Lohchab Moan sir name. My Date of birthday in my service records was recorded 8th June 1966 as it was mentioned in my academic certificates. But my Actual date of Birth in Birthday and death register is mentioned as 19th May 1965 and 1966 . It is also over written and amended with 20th may 1966 with wrong name as Surjit s/o Baldev Singh bald Teja in Fatehabad tehsil B&D office.

 As the fact at the time of my birth Fatehabad was not my tehsil and District. The main and initial authority of date of birth is PHC and Chowkidars of village or Taluka. When I asked to Chowkidars to show me my date of birth One Balraj urf Ballad Dhanak denied to show me the registration and told to go to Netia Dhanak , where no body is found niether his home. Then I went to the Solu Hedi ‘s home to see. He has shown shown me the register but the page of may and June 1965,1966 was torned out.

As per the request to Barhma the superior authorities of all the universes and my mother’s soul has confirmed me the actual Date of my birth is 19 May1965. But due to computer problem it was mismatched in data sheet.I have forced to write the fake date of Birth as 8th June 1966 in my service records to release my pension. And 19 May 1965 is written by so many fraud person to mislead the public. 

Two of them are my class fellow named as JaiPal urf  Janny the EME army person and another Ishwer Singh  s/o Nehal Singh urf Another is my step brother Dilbag Singh. And another is Ramphal S/o Ramswarup of chuda caste. These were from my Kirmara School for middle education. Another two is from Jat High school Dilbag Singh Dulat and Kalyan Singh Reddu. The Reddu is airman of Rdo/fit trade. Another airman is Pardip Kumar Dabas med/asst of 104 ATC. She was my class fellow UpTo 3rd standard in Kirmara Another Airmanof Medical Assistant trade named Madan Lal vats Maratha of 109 ATC . Another med/asst of DT spl. Changed my trade and DH spl to endorse the fake airman Dilbag Singh on my name and changed the sheet roll in the AFRO 

Therefore I request the highest authority to look into this matter and take appropriate action as per the rules of Law.  Mine records can be matched with other countries offices also.

l am enclosing my aadhar card copies for your enquiry and action. 

Copy to President of India, Police statioBhuna, Copy to CMO & Birth and death registrar Mandi Dabawali District Hissar.Chokidar of Aboob Shahar of Mandi Dabawali and PHC Dabawali.


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